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Expats love the Netherlands

De Haan relocation moving in Amsterdam, Netherlands-1

Expats recommend living in Europe for broadening cultural horizons (42%) and stability (45%). They love the Netherlands, be it not for its maritime climate.

In 2021, the Netherlands ramks no less than place eleven on the list of most popular countries for expats, which investment bank HSBC compiles every year. Herewith the Netherlands is one of the best places to live and work.

Family, money and society bring happiness. The list also looks at economic possibilities and whether life is also a bit fun. Spending all day within the walls of an expat compound is not really conducive to happiness in life. Taking part in society and befriending locals is just as important.

Looking ahead to next year, the three most important things expats hope to achieve are: getting to know the environment (50%), traveling more (47%) and becoming more familiar with the local culture (47%). Please note: the Dutch are nice, but can come across as rather direct.

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