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Book: You can learn to emigrate

Emigreren kun je leren

The number of emigrants has been increasing for years. An increasing number of Dutch people are being drawn by a new perspective in another country. How come? Pessimists would say that this development is related to the increasing dissatisfaction with their own country. These emigrants choose to leave the ship before it sinks to face a better future in another country.

The writers of this book are anything but pessimists. They state that there is a big difference between people who tell casually at the cocktail table that they are going to leave for good after the umpteenth setback and people who actually implement it. They believe that the latter group has only positive reasons to leave. They leave because they see better opportunities for themselves in another country, for example in the area of ​​happiness or peace and to a lesser extent because of the finances. They do not leave at the expense of their own country, but to grow themselves. The writers of the book believe that the vast majority of emigrants have positive reasons to leave the Netherlands behind.

Whatever the reasons for your emigration, this book will help you further. An emigration requires good preparation in order to avoid surprises in the new home country. This book addresses a large number of questions:

  • Can you continue to practice your profession abroad with your Dutch diplomas?
  • What opportunities do you actually have across the border for you?
  • Which matters do you need to arrange with regard to social insurance?
  • How do you say goodbye to the Dutch tax authorities in a responsible manner?
  • What happens with your (accrued) pension abroad?
  • As an emigrant, how can you start a business in Australia?
  • Which matters are important if you emigrate as a family with children?
  • What are the psychological consequences of emigration?
  • Does an emigration have positive or negative consequences for your relationship?
  • Do you have fewer laws and regulations in Spain than in the Netherlands?
  • How can you deal with a culture shock?

"You can learn to emigrate" addresses all these questions. Sometimes the answer is obvious and a bite-sized answer is given. Other times the answer depends entirely on your personal situation. You will be assisted with these questions through an extensive list of websites and agencies that can help you to get a personal answer to your question. With this handy handbook you always have a reliable companion on hand for your journey to a new future at your dream destination.

Source: Managementboek

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