de-haan-245-jaar stempel

Jannes Zijlstra 45 years employed by De Haan

Jannes Zijlstra-1


We are proud of our permanent team of movers, because moving is always a people job. With our professionals we make the difference every day. In that context, Monday 1 July 2019 was a very special day for De Haan.

Our valued colleague Jannes Zijlstra celebrated his 45th anniversary at De Haan. Of course, we didn't let this milestone pass unnoticed. His colleagues put Jannes in the limelight.

We know Jannes as a loyal and hard worker, who is very interested in the people around him. He is never shy about a chat. This Frisian really has a De Haan heart and so have his family members as well.

For example, Marian, Jannes' wife, has worked behind our reception for years and son Martijn is also a mover at our company. Jannes, enjoy your anniversary at De Haan. We hope to be able to work a lot with this craftsman in the coming years and to enjoy his stories.