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Take less? 16 tips to sort your stuff before moving

Kind in rommel

You only know how much clutter you have in your home when you move. Stuff that you often don't even know you have. And yet you move everything with you every time. We even come to people whose boxes we just took unpacked from last time.

That can be more effective. You can keep a few things, but moving house is also an excellent opportunity to throw things away or give them a new lease of life.

We help you make some choices:

Tips to keep

  1. But only the important ones. Just throw away the bank statements. Put them through the shredder.

  2. Please bring clothes that you wear every day.

  3. Find your family photos. Nowadays digital photos take up little space. Sort out your photo albums and keep great memories.

  4. How about a farewell party!? A little lame, but you have to celebrate life.

Tips to donate

  1. Clothes that you have not worn for more than 18 months can be removed.

  2. Old computers that you hardly use anymore. There are various projects for various countries.

  3. Your kids' (or your own) toy that they've outgrown.

  4. Books that you have already read or the Encyclopedia that you still have on the shelves.

  5. Kitchen appliances that you rarely or never use, but bought on a whim.

  6. Fitness equipment, rowing ergometers and other sports equipment and accessories that have never been used. These are often weighted with weights or a flywheel, so you can save a lot.

  7. The pile of magazines and newspapers you still wanted to sort out. Organize a sale, for example together with your farewell party.

Tips to throw away

  1. Do not bring any food. Certainly not abroad. An import ban also applies to many countries.

  2. The same goes for old medicines. Now is a good time to clear out your first aid box. Check if everything is still there and replace items that are out of date.

  3. Collect all old paint cans, half tubes of glue and take them to the chemical waste.

  4. Finally, say goodbye to something you would rather take with you. For example, your favorite, but tatty, mug.

You can practice and learn how to say goodbye to things. Over the years you keep all kinds of things that you never actually use. They all take up space. Not only in your house, but also in your head. That's why it's good to move. It is not for nothing that they say: a tidy house is a tidy mind.

What would you leave behind that you really don't want to say goodbye to?

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10 practical cleaning tips

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