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Emigrating to Australia is becoming more difficult

Emigreren naar Australië wordt moeilijker

Australia and New Zealand are enormously popular for people seeking new horizons. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there were a total of 737,000 migrants in the financial year 2022-23. A significant number came from Europe, India, and China, with many arriving on temporary visas.

Recent changes in immigration conditions are making it harder to emigrate to Australia or New Zealand. Moving to Australia and moving to New Zealand has thus become more difficult.

Why Emigrating to Australia is So Popular

Australia is popular as an immigration destination for several reasons. Cities like Melbourne and Sydney are among the most livable in the world, making emigration to Australia attractive. There are also many job opportunities in sectors such as IT, mining, healthcare, and education, contributing to the popularity of emigrating to Australia. Australia and New Zealand offer an attractive climate and good healthcare. The multicultural society attracts many migrants. Additionally, international students are drawn to Australian universities, which are highly ranked in international listings.

Changes in Australian Immigration Policy

In December 2023, Australia introduced a new migration strategy with significant reforms around the requirements and conditions for emigrating to Australia:

  1. Skills in Demand Visa: This new visa targets highly skilled professionals in specific fields and offers a clear path to permanent residency. The visa has an expedited processing period of an average of 21 days and is valid for four years.

  2. Employer Obligations: Employers must now meet stricter requirements during various stages of the recruitment process, including accreditation and role checks. They must ensure that migrants are sufficiently skilled and employ them for at least 30 hours per week.

  3. Migration Strategy: The government’s plan includes more than 25 new policy measures, emphasizing a simpler and more efficient system to attract and retain global talent.

Changes in New Zealand Immigration Policy

New Zealand has also implemented significant changes to its immigration requirements and conditions:

  1. Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV): From April 2024, there are additional requirements for employers hiring migrants, including stricter skill assessments and longer advertising periods for vacancies. The maximum consecutive stay with an AEWV is now five years, and visa holders must stay outside New Zealand for 12 months before reapplying.

  2. Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa: From October 2023, New Zealand has introduced a simplified points system for this visa, making it easier for skilled migrants to qualify for residency.

  3. Sector-Specific Agreements: New roles have been added to the Construction and Infrastructure Sector Agreement to address labor shortages, reflecting ongoing adjustments to sectoral needs.

The Impact of These New Visa Rules on Shortage Occupations

The number of occupations eligible for emigration to Australia visa programs has been reduced. This means that only occupations considered critical and in high shortage will have access to the visa programs, increasing competition for these positions and forcing migrants to specialize in these shortage occupations when emigrating to Australia.

The Future of Emigrating to Australia and New Zealand

For 2024/2025, it is expected that these new visa rules and policy changes will make access to Australia and New Zealand easier for certain occupations and skills, with a stronger emphasis on attracting highly educated and talented migrants. The changes reflect a drive for economic growth and addressing regional shortages, with specific attention to sectors such as technology, construction, and infrastructure.

Immigration and citizenship Website
Immigration New Zealand

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